Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2002

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Zehai Zhou

Second Advisor

Tom Halverson

Third Advisor

David Fetters


Before this project was developed, MBS had no system in place for the logging and tracking of customer support issues. With the increase in customer support, it became apparent a need existed for an application to log and track support. With this application, MBS would be able to record issues, update issues, and search for existing issues. MBS was also interested in investigating web technologies which were platform independent. Up to this point, most of the web development performed for customers by MBS had been done using IBM The issue with using this language was that it is fairly iSeries platform specific and could not be easily migrated. With the increased need to be more competitive on other platforms besides the iSeries, came the increase need to look for languages and development techniques which can more easily be moved and used on other systems. Because of these needs, it was decided to build an in-house web based issue management application using a JSP and JDBC, which are fairly new and unknown technologies to MBS staff. The benefits of developing this application would be two fold. First, MBS would have an application it could use for the logging and tracking of customer support. Second, MBS could try out JSP and JDBC with an internal application without the risk of trying new technologies for a customer project. The overall benefit would be the increased web development experience using platform independent technologies which could be used for future customer applications. This report presents the research, design, and development of the MBS Support Center web site. This web site will serve as the internal web based issue management application used by MBS.


