Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2004

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Second Advisor

Zehai Zhou

Third Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach


Hy-Vee has always prided itself at being the best around in customer service. It has been the cornerstone of our company for the last 75 years and guides the way that we conduct every part of our business. With the incredible expansion of our catering business over the last decade, it became evident that we were not providing the level of service that our clients had come to expect of us. This lack of service came in several ways but all were traced back to a simple lack of adequate recordkeeping. A review of the company's method for storing catering information showed us that the two methods most widely in use were both error prone and required much more labor then was really reasonable to expend on it. After carefully reviewing the needs of the company and the desires of the end users, it was decided that the best possible rout that we could take to rectify this situation was to develop a new computerized storage system that could help us improve our customer service level while eliminating extra work for our employees and mountains of paperwork pilled up in our stores.


