Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
In 2004, Dakota State University proposed a model for information assurance and computer security program development. That model provided a framework for developing undergraduate and graduate programs at DSU. This paper provides insight into experiences and lessons learned to further implement that model. The paper details modifications to both the undergraduate and graduate information assurance programs as a result of specific issues and challenges. Further, the paper highlights the introduction of a new terminal degree that includes an information assurance specialization. As a national center of excellence in information assurance education, we are confident that this paper will be helpful to universities around the world in either developing new or improving existing IA programs.
Recommended Citation
Malladi, S., El-Gayar, O., & Streff, K. (2007, June). Experiences and lessons learned in the design and implementation of an Information Assurance curriculum. In 2007 IEEE SMC Information Assurance and Security Workshop (pp. 22-29). IEEE.