Outlet Title
7th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
With the ubiquity of software and in the quest towards improving software development activities, the software engineering research community engaged in an active research agenda on modeling software processes. The modeling objectives ranged from process understanding, improvement, and management, to project management. In spite of the significant achievements in the field, few (if any) of the research results are adopted by the industry. This paper presents a brief review and a critical evaluation of the status of software process modeling practices with particular emphasis on their applications to project management from a practitioner's point of view as well as recommendations for future work.
Recommended Citation
El-Gayar, O. F., & Thota, S. (2002). Software project management: The role of modeling. 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 14-18, 2003.