Studying the Relationship Between Timely and Effective Care, Preventive Care, and Patient Hospital Recommendation

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AMCIS 2023

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The problem of managing timely and effective care within emergency departments (ED) and preventive care in hospital facilities are often associated with patients’ overall satisfaction. Hence, the objective of this study is to determine the relationship between independent variables such as average ED wait time, percentage of left without being seen (LWBS), ED stay time, hospital overall rating, percentage of sepsis care, and percentage of patients’ response to hospital recommendation as a dependent variable. Given the objective, the study performed a linear regression analysis. The results of the study determined that patients’ willingness to recommend a hospital was significantly related to the average time a patient spent in ED (p < 0.01), sepsis care (p < 0.026), left without being seen percentage in ED (p < 0.001), and hospital overall rating (p < 0.001). Our findings suggest that variables related to ED throughput, and preventive care have a significant relationship with patient’s willingness to recommend / not recommend the hospital.
