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5th First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference
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As computer software becomes increasingly used in analysis and design in all engineering disciplines, more engineering programs have started including computer programming in their common core for all engineering majors. C++ is a popular programming language that’s been chosen for teaching engineering students programming. At California Baptist University, EGR 121 Introduction to Computer Programming in C++ is a required course for all engineering students. Most of our engineering students take this course in their first year. This course was taught using traditional means of lecture, text book reading and exercises along with labs and programming projects. Since the fall of 2012 we incorporated two online resources, an online interactive content resource and an online exercise tool to replace the previous textbook problems as homework. We discuss our experience in the classroom along with survey feedback from our students. Although no statistically significant difference in final grades was detected, we did find anecdotal indication that students benefited from these tools particularly the online homework problems.
Recommended Citation
Ni, G., Bishop, D., & Donaldson, A. (2013). Use of Online Tools in Teaching C++ Programming to Freshmen in All Engineering Majors. In 5th First Year Engineering Experience Conference.