Outlet Title
Journal of AHIMA
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Data, data everywhere! We are living in the age of “Big Data” and healthcare informatics. The already insurmountable amount of data only continues to grow as organizations strive to meet the data requirements of federal programs such as the “meaningful use” EHR Incentive Program and the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), as well as various quality reporting and reimbursement requirements. The need for informaticists will continue to grow—and who better to fill the role than health information management (HIM) professionals?
Recommended Citation
Campbell, A., Houser, S. H., Paulson, D., Ryznar, B., Smith, C. P., Woebkenberg, J., Hernandez, S. M., Pirie-St. Pierre, M. R., & Plimpton, J. M. (2018). Beyond the Basics for Health Informatics Professionals—Retired. Beyond the Basics for Health Informatics Professionals - Retired / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association. http://bok.ahima.org/doc?oid=302566