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Investigating Conversion of Anthracene to Anthraquinone in the Presence of Montmorillonite Clay Under Temperature Regimes Relevant to Prebiotic Environments
Hope Juntunen, Briann Pitts, Vaille Swenson, Patrick Videau, and Michael Gaylor
Assessment of Wax Worms (Galleria mellonella) as a Suitable Alternative Host to Study the Virulence of the Marine Pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus
Vaille Swenson, Darrell Artz, Alexy Jakowicz, Timothy Cramer, Trever Listman, Michael Gaylor, Blake Ushijima, and Patrick Videau
Science at Dakota State University
Vaille Swenson, Michael Gaylor, Blake Ushijima, and Patrick Videau