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According to the 2021 State Agricultural Overview, South Dakota (SD) planted 5,450,000 acres of soybeans in 2021, and 5.8% of potential soybean production was lost due to diseases. Revealing prevalent soilborne soybean pathogens throughout the state and utilizing the proper management strategies could increase SD soybean yields. With the relatively recent (2014) first report of soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) in SD and confirmation of SDS in three more counties in 2017, we utilized quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays to detect pathogens that cause SDS and other soilborne soybean pathogens using DNA extracted from the soil. qPCR-based diagnostics eficiently and specifically test for pathogens with high sensitivity. The soil was sampled from six fields under commercial soybean production in Deuel County and Brookings County. The collected soil was dried at 55°C for two days, and three DNA extractions were done for each field sampled. qPCR assays were performed on a Bio Rad CFX Opus 96 Real-Time PCR system for several soybean pathogens such as Fusarium virguliforme, Fusariunm brasiliense, Phytophthora sojae, Phytophthora sansomeana, and Phiolophora gregata. qPCR reactions were run in triplicate, with three technical replicates on each biological replicate per field assessed. The presence of P. gregata was detected in three out of the six fields evaluated, while F. virguliforme, F. brasiliense, P. sojae, and P. sansomeana were not detected. Our primary objective was to develop distinct qPCR protocols on samples of DNA extracted directly from the soil for a more extensive SD soilborne soybean pathogen survey in Fall 2022 and Summer 2023. Providing SD soybean growers with accurate, timely information about pathogens detected in their soil should allow them to take proper management strategies and increase their yields.

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Quantitative Real-Time PCR Identification of Soybean Pathogens in Eastern South Dakota Soil
