Date of Award
Spring 2-1-2006
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)
First Advisor
Ronghua Shan
Second Advisor
Zehai Zhou
Today's car buyers and sellers have many options open to them where they can go online and accomplish this, such as, regional buyers in rural areas generally overlooked. This is no exception in the Midwest, so the purpose of this project is to provide potential buyers and sellers a web site which caters specifically to their needs. End users should find to be easy to navigate and highly functional. While the site doesn't have all of the features to be found on some of other sites, its clean design and intuitive layout are intended to provide a quick and simple solution for regional customers.
Recommended Citation
Geiszler, Greg, "Midwest Online Vehicle Exchange" (2006). Masters Theses & Doctoral Dissertations. 105.