Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Second Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach

Third Advisor

Mark Moran


The goal of this project is to provide an application to automatically provision cable modems, create Email Accounts on the mail server and develop an interface for users to access equipment, customer Infonnation. This application has two modules automated provisioning and a web Interface for users. The purpose of the project is to make the end user's jobs more efficient and smooth. With the present system users have to use different interfaces based on the location of the customer and users are expressing extreme dissatisfaction over the slow nature of the process of one system and the necessity to enter customer infonnation twice, once in the billing system and then into the provisioning system. This project establishes a powerful and permanent sy stern that can be used for effectively provisioning cable moderns and creating email accounts on the mail server. The project completely differs from the existing system. One of the existing systems uses manual approach but the proposed project uses modern technology for conducting these operations. The proposed system will provide users a single interface to access customer infonnation, view the status of the equipment, and troubleshoot problems with equipment i1Tespective of the location of the customer.


