Date of Award

Spring 4-1-2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Mark Moran

Second Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach

Third Advisor

Brad Osterloo

Fourth Advisor

Brian McDaniel


Call Plan software can be very complex in nature, and is vividly exposed in that the results are exposed to the client of the software vendor, and the client's customers. This being the case, it is very important for a software vendor to implement sound regression testing to avoid losing existing functionality when upgrading software. This project describes the complexities of call plan software and the different ways that it can be implemented. The project further explains the process of regression testing. The main objective of this project was to implement a way to test call plans in such a way that it could be assured that existing functionality would not be broken when a new release was applied on the client system.


