Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Mark Moran

Second Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach

Third Advisor

Ronghua Shan


This project addresses the issues that every individual, organization and business faces each month; keeping your workstations and server secure and up to date. This paper covers the steps of implementing a Windows Services Update Server in a multi-site organization. The anonymous organization has progressed from manual updates that have proved to tax network resources, time, and finances, to an automatic update service with Microsoft's Windows Services Update Server (WSUS). This paper addresses the implementation steps to setting up a server and how to administer it. The added benefits on network bandwidth are also laid out. Companies who fail to properly update their network are also investigated. Also, current Congressional legislations for organizations who have a data security breech due to improper updating are also researched.


