"Customer Relationship Management for an Authorized Automobile Dealer" by Hussein A. Al-Homery

Date of Award

Spring 7-1-2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Second Advisor

Rick Christoph

Third Advisor

Stephen Kresbach


Customers' database is the main vital part of a business which constitutes as an indicator for the volume of business. So, here in this project report I explained in details what the situation of our target-record database was in a group of companies organization, where most of the data was not accurate and not fed completely; then we started to do our data mapping for Customers' database, where we classified our data fields to mandatory fields and optional fields; then we validated our database fields by hardcode our validation rules for specific fields to check if it is right or not, like ID number or Social ID. So, we programmed that without feeding these mandatory fields the target-record cannot be created, also if not passed the validation rules the target-record will not be created either. Then to give the users of different companies to correct their created target-record, we designed our global Customers' database, where the user can go and amend wrong target­record, where they can go through all validation process for each and every database Mandatory field, then to do our Customers' follow up process for salesmen , we designed another communication program which enables salesmen to follow up their Customers' each 10 days, 30 days, more than 3 months through our Kerridge text base database with the help of Microsoft Access database and T API protocol. To ease the process of dealing with our database system Kerridge, we changed the old text version with the new Revision 8.35, where there are more changes and database connectivity, then we have gone through our GM Difference the new requirements, then we went through our Rev.8.35 CRM and the powerful follow up process it has as an integrated module of all other Kerridge modules. Then we checked the quotation process and how the salesman did his follow up, and then we have gone through our Customer Contact Management Program "CCM" as a powerful communication program fully integrated with Kerridge CRM Module, where we explained the integration process of Telephony Integration "CTI". We went through our "CCC" Customer Call Center, where we discussed our "RFP" Request For Proposal. We also went through our plan of implementation such project for each one of our group of companies.


