Date of Award

Spring 7-1-2011

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach

Second Advisor

Mark Moran

Third Advisor

Ronghua Shan


We are all pretty famous with Enrollment systems today in which a new member's details are properly recorded and stored in a data base. These records are useful for various other purposes later. For example, consider a University/College where a new student is joined ( enrolled). His details like first name, last name, address, phone number and other required details are collected and stored in a data base. For this we need a Front-End application along with the Back-End Data Base. Now let us think of other places where an Enrollment System is needed. For example, Library, CD shop, Gym, Bank etc, everywhere the details required is more or less the same. Separate enrollment systems are involved with Budget, Management and Maintenance. Then why can't we use a Common Enrollment System for all those applications? But the problem is that different Front-End's and different Back-Ends are used in those applications.


