Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Second Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach

Third Advisor

William Figg


The health of children is very important, which is highly influenced by the environment and relations around them. Pediatrician and the children's family play a very important role in safe guarding their health. A pediatrician has to exhibit very keen interest in each and every child he treats, observing the growth levels of the child periodically. This project mainly focuses on automating the day to day tasks of a Pediatrician, thus simplifying their job and to help them treat children more efficiently. The tasks performed by the pediatricians like vaccination schedules, which include the type of vaccinations, when the vaccinations has to be given to the child and the dosage calculation etc., shall be handled. The project also aims at providing Decision Support System to the doctors, with a predefined database consisting of different classifications, various records of all age groups and the growth charts. The project is intended to show the current growth chart of the child, which will help the doctor to identify any abnormal conditions in the child. This would help the doctors to cure any abnormalities in the child and cure them in their early stages, thus provide better medication to the children.


