"Intrusion Detection Device E-Learning Project" by Lawrence Lee

Date of Award

Spring 4-1-2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Mark Moran

Second Advisor

Steve Graham

Third Advisor

Xinwen Fu


This project is designed to create a set of video modules focused on Network Security and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). These modules can be used to supplement classroom discussion on the topics related to IDS. The project introduction covers several related topics including; E-leaming, terminology review, network risk assessment, introduction to IDS and future trends in network security. The system design section of the project goes into the research of the major software packages. After the review of network risk assessment and required Internet and IDS terminology is detailed, the project moves on to the main subject, the Snort IDS system. The project first covers the hardware and OS requirements for Snort. The project provides the description of each of the major Snort components and how the Snort components work. The system design section also includes descriptions of other major software packages used in the project. Those packages are Ethereal and Netfilter. The Case Study, Results and Discussion section of the project review the actual installation, configuration, and use of Snort, Ethereal and Netfilter packages. Also included in this section is a Case Study of a dot.com company and their experience with networking security. The methodology used in the project was to research each application to get a complete understanding of how the application worked. The researcher then applied this research to install and run the applications in the Linux environment. The researcher then applied the research and experience to videos which can be used to supplement the classroom setting.


