Date of Award

Spring 4-1-2009

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach

Second Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Third Advisor

Mark Moran


Oracle 10g Grid Control is a monitoring tool which provides a single point graphical interface to monitor the resources owned by an Enterprise. The resource could be a Server, an Application or a Database. Grid Control helps to provide a monitoring tool which gives us this single point of contact. Grid control helps to monitor serves both Windows and UNIX for disk space, CPU, Memory Usage. Similarly it can monitor both Oracle and a wide variety of other databases like SQL Server also. This relieves the client from having to have separate monitoring solutions for different platforms as Grid Control can monitor across heterogeneous platforms and across multiple database versions. This project provides an overview of the architecture of Grid Control dealing with the Central Server and the monitoring agents. It will also help to understand how to install agents on different servers and use those agents to discover databases running on that server. Grid Control can also be use to set up Tablespace, Alert log alerts / warning messages which can alert the database administrator to take appropriate action. Grid Control also assists Infrastructure based Companies which specialize in Database management to monitor databases across multiple clients using one single software i.e. Grid Control.


