Date of Award

Fall 8-1-2002

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Terry Dennis

Second Advisor

William Figg


The Mission Operations Center (MOC) at the Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center in Sioux Falls, SD manages the Landsat 7 Image Assessment System (IAS) and Level 1 Processing System (LPGS). Both systems process Level 0 non-radiometric corrected Landsat 7 data into Level 1 radiometric and geometric corrected products. Production of products from Level O to Level 1 is the primary function of the LPGS. The IAS performs image assessment and quality assurance on selected data stored in the Landsat 7 data archive. Before launch of the Landsat 7 satellite in 1999, Computer Science Corporation built the IAS and LPGS as two independent systems. Recently, the Landsat 7 Mission Management Office (MMO) program management chartered a project to consolidate parts of each system in an effort to lower overall maintenance and improve efficiency. In November 2001, MMO program management signed a formal project plan. The project plan identifies the Level 1 team and outlines the initial scope and deliverables of the consolidation. The consolidation consists of business process analysis, database analysis, hardware consolidation, and a significant amount of software changes. The hardware consolidation activity involves an analysis of the existing hardware followed by combining two systems into one. Savings of $26,000 the first year and $19,000 thereafter are realized from this activity.


