Date of Award
Spring 7-1-2008
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)
First Advisor
Ronghua Shan
Second Advisor
Steve Graham
Third Advisor
Xinwen Fu
My project is about anonymous communication network. I took one of the most popular anonymous communication tools, Tor as the example to analyze and test the existing Tor anonymous network, and then found out the weakness of Tor network. This analysis can help Tor program developers improve the performance of Tor network. In this thesis, first I will represent the structure and principle of Tor network, and then introduce the Tor network software and its installation. After analyzing the existing Tor network, I set up a database to store comprehensive information about all Tor server nodes. The information includes IP address, Nick Name, Publish time, Publish date, all flag statuses, and so on. I also wrote several PHP scripts to update the database automatically according to the scheduled time with Crontab application under Linux system. At the same time, I set up a website using HTML, CSS, and PHP for presenting the nodes' information and for website visitors to retrieve some nodes with some conditions. Visitors can select one of many search keywords or write their own SQL statement to retrieve the nodes that satisfy their desire. My project is based on LAMP technique combination that are Linux (Fedora), Apache, MySQL, and PHP. I combined all these four tools tightly to visualize the information of Tor network and try to improve the use of Tor anonymous network.
Recommended Citation
Yu, Jie, "Measuring and Visualizing Anonymous Network" (2008). Masters Theses & Doctoral Dissertations. 240.