"The Implementation of a Repository for Data Reporting and Analysis" by Christopher Haufschild

Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach

Second Advisor

Josh Pauli

Third Advisor

Mark Moran


Data-driven decision making has become increasingly important within the context of the public school system. The benefits of having fast and accurate data available to both teachers and administrators are being touted across the country and the world. There is a need within Moorhead Area Public Schools for a system to facilitate this in a secure and user-friendly manner in order to provide necessary data to users without sacrificing instructional time for students. Within this system it is important to provide only the data that is necessary for decision making in order to keep student privacy at the highest level possible. It is also necessary to be able to tie this data into other systems in order to provide context and to identify what data is needed within the system. In order to meet this need, a Savia Viewpoint Data Reporting and Warehousing system was implemented. The process to implement this system included mapping of data elements, installation and setup of the software, student data loading, assessment data loading, and system customizations. Additionally, an assessment score repository along with a web based reporting tool was created to facilitate immediate need as well as to act as a production environment for import files into the Viewpoint System. Both systems were planned, created, and implemented successfully along with data validation and end-user training. The Sa via Viewpoint system has the potential of being the sole assessment score reporting and analysis tool for a school district. At this point in time, however, this is not the case for Moorhead Area Public Schools. There are too many issues regarding data quality and consistency to provide a full picture and to allow the technology department to have full confidence in the accuracy of the system.


