Date of Award
Spring 2-1-2002
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)
First Advisor
Omar El-Gayar
Second Advisor
Terry Dennis
Software Project Management skills are vital to the success of a software project. The industry needs well-trained project managers to manage the complexities of software development processes. Aspiring project managers need to develop the management - related knowledge and skills. University education, in particular, needs to provide to their computer science and information systems students not only technology - related skills but also a basic understanding of typical phenomena occurring in software projects. The objective of this thesis work is to develop a web - enabled teaching tool for software project management. Software Project Management Teaching Tool (SoProMaTT) is based on system dynamics model of software projects. It illustrates the consequences of software project management decisions. Students can run the tool using standard web browsers. The tool has two components - a user interface which can be a single user client machine or an intranet and a simulation component. The simulation component of the tool is implemented using system dynamics modeling with the help of the Extend Package. The student will be able to enter data, schedule and modify projects, and customize and produce reports. The tool provides analysis and decision making capabilities, which are necessary for effective project management. Possibilities for validation of the effectiveness of the tool in university education are described and future extensions to the tool are suggested.
Recommended Citation
Thota, Sreedhar, "SoProMaTT - A Software Project Management Teaching Tool" (2002). Masters Theses & Doctoral Dissertations. 257.