Date of Award
Spring 5-8-2003
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)
First Advisor
Stephen Krebsbach
Second Advisor
Ronghua Shan
Third Advisor
Minghua Wang
Before the information revolution, managers had to make decisions based on their own intuitive skills and experience. As we begin the 21st century, we observe major changes in how these managers use computerized support in making decisions and verifying assumptions. This is where data mining systems come in. It is these data mining systems which are used in discerning patterns on events happening around us that lend us the ability of deciphering complex information contained therein. The objective of this project work is to develop effective data mining software for understanding Network data obtained from tools such as the Pathchar software and the Ping tool. The data mining software is named 'NetThought'. NetThought has been developed using Java as the programming language. NetThought takes a large set of data and after processing the data produces an output that is concise and easily understandable by the user. This project report contains an explanation on the concepts of data mining, the techniques with which the problem was approached and a description of the program itself. Possibilities for future extensions to the tools are also suggested.
Recommended Citation
Lohani, Suman, "Data Mining Tool- Design and Implementation" (2003). Masters Theses & Doctoral Dissertations. 260.