Date of Award
Fall 5-1-2004
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)
First Advisor
Ronghua Shan
Second Advisor
Zehai Zhou
Third Advisor
Wyatt York
The current existing database system that the MidWest Health Plan is using is a powerful tool that supports MHP's daily operation. However, it is not very efficient in data retrieving and does not support web access. Excessive tables and attributes within tables may necessary to define complex healthcare daily operational activities. However, for data queries and reports, only a fraction of the tables and attributes within tables may be used. Database normalization solves data maintenance anomalies and minimizes redundancies, while denormalization stores the logical database design in a weaker form in favor of faster execution of frequently occurring queries and transactions. This project frrst identifies performance problems in the existing system, it then redefines some of the most frequently used tables in queries and reports as well as finds the delicate balancing point between the normalization and denormalization of the MHP database. It has shown that the newly designed database greatly improves performance of the system in both data analysis and reporting. A prototype web site for MHP, which is developed using ASP, is created to demonstrate the web access capability of the newly designed database.
Recommended Citation
Zhu, Sheridan Xu, "Re-Define a Healthcare Database System & ITS Accessibility Through the Internet" (2004). Masters Theses & Doctoral Dissertations. 43.