Date of Award

Fall 8-1-2004

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Tom Farrell

Second Advisor

Zehai Zhou

Third Advisor

Troy Milligan


The project paper describes the undertaking of the web site development process proposed for the Master of Science in Information System's program. The project paper begins with an overview of Shingles Inc.' s business operations. The pupose of the purposed project is then explained followed by the objectives and goals that are to be achieved. A comprehensive analysis of the efforts involved in developing and implemeniting each task in order to achieve the projects goals are then thoroughly defined. The document also discusses some of the problems encountered during the developing process and the efforts imposed to resolve these issues. Finally, the project paper concludes with a discussion of obstacles encountered during the project development phase and then follows with some final thoughts on potential enhancements and developments that may be built upon the establishment of the project.


