"Content Management System - Torian Group Inc." by Vineet Nanda

Date of Award

Fall 8-1-2005

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Second Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach


Content Management System provides the information about vendors and clients of Torian Group Inc. - a computer consultancy company. All this information is available to the technical staff in real time on their smart phones. The technical staff of Torian group use vendor information to access the vendor's paid or free resources available on their websites. The technical staff prepares themselves for more certifications, they upgrade their skill level and in return Torian Group gets more partner points from their vendors, which takes the business to the higher level vendor partnership and earn more vendor benefits, promotions and discounts. Client information is used not only by the technical staff but also by the marketing staff and the office manager. Technical staff use client's information to print their network setup and get other useful information about the clients whom they are working with, marketing staff mail merge the client's data directly from the database to a publisher document to send the newsletters and also get the information about the clients, as how they would like to receive the newsletters? Office manager uses the system to know about the clients who are and who are not getting billed. This also helps the marketing staff to target the clients who are not giving business for past couple of months and bring them with more offers and upgrades.


