Content Posted in 2021
2021 Academic Hall of Fame Celebrating Ruth Habeger and Honoring Dr. Zeno Van Erdewyk, Zeno Van Erdewyk
A Consent Framework for the Internet of Things in the GDPR Era, Gerald Chikukwa
A Meta-Analysis of Evolution of Deep Learning Research in Medical Image Analysis, David Zeng, Cherie Noteboom, Kruttika Sutrave, and Rajesh Godasu
A mHealth Architecture for Diabetes Self-Management System, Omar El-Gayar, Prem Timsina, and Nevine Nawar
Analysis of System Performance Metrics Towards the Detection of Cryptojacking in IOT Devices, Richard Matthews
Analysis of Theoretical and Applied Machine Learning Models for Network Intrusion Detection, Jonah Baron
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Legal Regulations and Social Consequences for Securing Data, Howard B. Goodman
An Approach to Data Literacy Classification of COVID-19 Literature, Badr Harfoush, Akhilesh Chauhan, and Cherie Noteboom
Applications of Deep Learning Augmented Systems for Covid-19 Predictions- A Literature Review, Cherie Noteboom, David Zeng, Rajesh Godasu, and Kruttika Sutrave
A systematic review of IT for diabetes self-management: Are we there yet?, Omar El-Gayar, Prem Timsina, Nevine Nawar, and Wael Eid
Block the Root Takeover: Validating Devices Using Blockchain Protocol, Sharmila Paul
Colleague to Banner Migration: Data Conversion Guide for Institutional Research, Laura Osborn
Cultural Influence and the Effective Use of Security Awareness in Congolese Organizations, Arnold Nzailu and Insu Park
Cybersecurity Education for Non-Technical Learners, Matthew McNulty
Cycles of Electronic Health Records Adaptation by Physicians: How Do the Positive and Negative Experiences with the EHR System Affect Physicians’ EHR Adaptation Process?, Cherie Noteboom, Dhundy Bastola, and Sajda Qureshi
Cycles of Electronic Health Records Adaptation by Physicians: How Do The Positive and Negative Experience with the EHR System Affect Physicians' EHR Adaptation Process?, Cherie Noteboom, Dhundy Bastola, and Sajda Qureshi
Design Principles for Multiple Sclerosis Mobile Self-Management Applications: A Patient-Centric Perspective, Loknath Sai Ambati, Omar El-Gayar, and Nevine Nawar
Disentangling the effects of efficacy-facilitating informational support on health resilience in online health communities based on phrase-level text analysis, Insu Park, Surendra Sarnikar, and Jeewon Cho
Efficacy of Incident Response Certification in the Workforce, Samuel Jarocki
Empathizing with mHealth App Users in Application Design: Early-Stage Persona Development through Social Media Data Mining, Martinson Ofori and Omar El-Gayar
Examining Networking Effects and Digital Television Adoption in Latin America: A Focus on Argentina, Deb Tech
Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Domain: A Systematic Review, Shuvro Chakrobartty and Omar El-Gayar
Fake News Detection on the Web: An LSTM-based Approach, Piyush Vyas, Jun Liu, and Omar El-Gayar
Health Information systems capabilities and Hospital performance – An SEM analysis, Giridhar Reddy Bojja, Jun Liu, and Loknath Sai Ambati
Identity Sharing and Adaptive Personalization Influencing Online Repurchases, Son Bui, William Kettinger, and Insu Park
Information Technology for Evidence Based Medicine: Status and Future Direction, Prem Timsina, Omar El-Gayar, and Nevine Nawar
IPCFA: A Methodology for Acquiring Forensically-Sound Digital Evidence in the Realm of IAAS Public Cloud Deployments, Hosam Badreldin
Isolation and characterization of Pythium spp. from South Dakota soils under commerial alfalfa production, Jennifer M. Giles and Andrew E. Sathoff
JRevealPEG: A Semi-Blind JPEG Steganalysis Tool Targeting Current Open-Source Embedding Programs, Charles A. Badami
Mobile applications for diabetes self-management: status and potential, Omar El-Gayar, Prem Timsina, Nevine Nawar, and Wael Eid
Newsletter Fall 2020, College of Business &. Information Systems
Newsletter Spring 2021, College of Business &. Information Systems
Newsletter Summer 2021, College of Business &. Information Systems
Non-Hazardous Industrial Solid Waste Tracking System, Justin Tank
Plant defensin antibacterial mode of action against Pseudomonas species, Andrew E. Sathoff, Shawn Lewenza, and Deborah A. Samac
The Role of Enterprise Crowdsourcing Systems on Knowledge Application, Insu Park, Vetrivadivel Vel, and Jun Liu
The Role of Privacy within the Realm of Healthcare Wearables' Acceptance and Use, Thomas Jernejcic and Omar El-Gayar
Towards Identity Relationship Management For Internet of Things, Mohammad Muntasir Nur
Traversing NAT: A Problem, Tyler Flaagan
Understanding Design Features for Continued Use of Wearables Devices, Omar F. El-Gayar, Ahmed Elnoshokaty, and Andrew Behrens
Understanding the Public Sentiment and Discourse on COVID-19 Vaccine, Kruttika Sutrave, Rajesh Godasu, and Jun Liu
Wearables, Artificial intelligence, and the Future of Healthcare, Omar El-Gayar, Loknath Sai Ambati, and Nevine Nawar
When the Lights Went Out: Electricity in North Korea and Dependency on Moscow, Benjamin Young