Toward extracting scattering phase shift from integrated correlation functions. III. Coupled channels
Outlet Title
Physical Review D 111, 054506 (2025)
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 3-10-2025
The formalism developed in the preceding papers that connects integrated correlation function of a trapped two-particle system to infinite volume scattering phase shift is further extended to coupled-channel systems in the present work. Using a trapped nonrelativistic two-channel system as an example, a new relation is derived that retains the same structure as in the single channel, and has explicit dependence on the phase shifts in both channels but not on the inelasticity. The relation is illustrated by a exactly solvable coupled-channel quantum mechanical model with contact interactions. It is further validated by path integral Monte Carlo simulation of a quasi-one-dimensional model that can admit general interaction potentials. In all cases, we found rapid convergence to the infinite volume limit as the trap size is increased, even at short times, making it potentially a good candidate to overcome signal-to-noise issues in Monte Carlo applications.
Recommended Citation
Guo, Peng and Lee, Frank, "Toward extracting scattering phase shift from integrated correlation functions. III. Coupled channels" (2025). Research & Publications. 45.