The College of Arts and Sciences at Dakota State University provides students education in a wide range of traditional liberal arts fields with an integrated technology curriculum. Programs include Digital Arts and Design, Computer Game Design, Biology, and English for New Media, and a number of minors in Art, History, Animation, and Communications.


Submissions from 2025


Toward extracting scattering phase shift from integrated correlation functions. III. Coupled channels, Peng Guo and Frank Lee

Submissions from 2024


Toward extracting the scattering phase shift from integrated correlation functions. II. A relativistic lattice field theory model, Peng Guo


Tunneling time in coupled-channel systems, Peng Guo, Vladimir Gasparian, Antonio Pérez-Garrido, and Esther Jódar

Submissions from 2023


Toward extracting the scattering phase shift from integrated correlation functions, Peng Guo and Vladimir Gasparian


Tunneling time and Faraday/Kerr effects in PT-symmetric systems, Peng Guo, Vladimir Gasparian, Antonio Antonio Perez-Garrido, and Ester Jodar Ferrandez

Submissions from 2022


Beyond party: ideological convictions and foreign policy conflicts in the US congress, William Bendix and Gyung-Ho Jeong


Fox in the Henhouse: The Delegation of Regulatory and Privacy Enforcement to Big Tech, William Bendix and Jon McKay


Management Strategies and Distribution of Aphanomyces Root Rot of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), a continuing threat to forage production in the United States, Jennifer M. Giles, Conner L. Tordsen, Travis R. Rebstock, Bruna Bucciarelli, Deborah A. Samac, and Andrew E. Sathoff


New Culture Turns One Hundred: A Centennial Reflection on the May Fourth and New Culture Movement in Singapore, David Kenley


First Report of Aphanomyces euteiches Race 1 and Race 2 Causing Aphanomyces Root Rot on Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) in South Dakota, Conner L. Tordsen, Jennifer M. Giles, and Andrew E. Sathoff

Submissions from 2021


Isolation and characterization of Pythium spp. from South Dakota soils under commerial alfalfa production, Jennifer M. Giles and Andrew E. Sathoff


Deconstructing Compulsory Realpolitik in Cultural Studies: An Interview with Alexa Alice Joubin, David Kenley and William Sewell

Submissions from 2020


Wearables, Artificial intelligence, and the Future of Healthcare, Omar El-Gayar, Loknath Sai Ambati, and Nevine Nawar


Teaching About Asia in a Time of Pandemic, David Kenley


May Fourth at 100 in Singapore and Hong Kong: memorialization, localization, and negotiation, David Kenley and Els van Dongen


Plant defensin antibacterial mode of action against Pseudomonas species, Andrew E. Sathoff, Shawn Lewenza, and Deborah A. Samac


Before “Fire and Fury”: The Role of Anger and Fear in U.S.–North Korea Relations, 1968–1994, Benjamin Young


Cultural Diplomacy with North Korean Characteristics: Pyongyang’s Exportation of the Mass Games to the Third World, 1972–1996, Benjamin Young


Thucydides in Pyongyang: Fear, Honor and Interests in the 1968 Pueblo Incident, Benjamin Young


When the Lights Went Out: Electricity in North Korea and Dependency on Moscow, Benjamin Young

Submissions from 2019


Imagining Revolutionary Feminism: Communist Asia and the Women of the Black Panther Party, Benjamin Young

Submissions from 2018


Honoring the Dead: A Digital Archive of the Insane Indian Asylum, Stacey Berry


Running away with the Circus: How the Big Top Stole Our Hearts, Justin Blessinger and Joseph Bottum

Submissions from 2017


Assessment of disease lesion removal as a method to control chronic Montipora white syndrome, Silvia Beurmann, Christina M. Runyon, Patrick Videau, Sean M. Callahan, and Greta S. Aeby


Pseudoalteromonas piratica sp. nov., a budding, prosthecate bacterium from diseased Montipora capitata, and emended description of the genus Pseudoalteromonas, Silvia Beurmann, Blake Ushijima, Christina M. Svoboda, Patrick Videau, Ashley M. Smith, Stuart P. Donachie, Greta S. Aeby, and Sean M. Callahan


Crossings, Justin Blessinger


The Everyday Value Model for Student Learning Assessment, Justin Blessinger, Jay Kahl, and Chris Olson


The Gap in Between: Boundaries and Borders in a Multi-cultural Context, Kari Forbes-Boyte


Force and Fire: Making Your Game More Metal, Jeff Howard


Characterizing the Volatilome of Land-disposed Sewage Sludge Under Seasonal Temperature Regimes, Hope L. Juntunen, Lucas Leinen, Vaille Swenson, R C. Hale, R Honour, Michael Gaylor, and Patrick Videau


Assessment of Four Solvents for Extraction and Analysis of the Chemical Composition of Sansevieria Extrafoliar Nectar Drops by Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry, Hope L. Juntunen, Patrick Videau, Donna Hazelwood, and Michael Gaylor


Exploring Molecular Simulations of a Plausible Prebiotic Reduced Phospholipid Using Hyperchem Software, Lucas Leinen, N. W. Fitch, K. L. Even, Patrick Videau, and Michael Gaylor


Implementing Vocabutoons in the English Language Arts Classroom: Drawing Their Way to Success, William Sewell


When Choice Is an Illusion: Suppression of Women in William Styron's "Holocaust" Novel, William Sewell


Identification and Characterization of Fungal Isolates from Land-applied Sewage Sludge, Vaille Swenson, Hope L. Juntunen, R Honour, R C. Hale, Michael Gaylor, and Patrick Videau


The hetZ Gene Regulates Heterocyst Formation in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, Patrick Videau, Vaille Swenson, Michael Gaylor, S M. O'Hanlon, and L M. Cozy

Submissions from 2016


An Extension of the Compression-Expansion Fixed Point Theorem of Functional Type, Richard I. Avery, Douglas R. Anderson, and Johnny Henderson


Grassland bird response to recent loss and degradation of native prairie in central and western South Dakota, Mitchell J. Greer, Kristel K. Bakker, and Charles D. Dieter


A re-assessment of the distribution of Virginia's warbler in the Black Hills of South Dakota, David L. Swanson, Mark D. Dixon, and Jeffrey S. Palmer


The heterocyst regulatory protein HetP and its homologs modulate heterocyst commitment in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, Patrick Videau, Orion S. Rivers, Kathryn Hurd, Blake Ushijima, Reid T. Oshiro, Rachel J. Ende, Samantha M. O'Hanlon, and Loralyn M. Cozy

Submissions from 2014


Information Technology for Evidence Based Medicine: Status and Future Direction, Prem Timsina, Omar El-Gayar, and Nevine Nawar

Submissions from 2013


A mHealth Architecture for Diabetes Self-Management System, Omar El-Gayar, Prem Timsina, and Nevine Nawar


A systematic review of IT for diabetes self-management: Are we there yet?, Omar El-Gayar, Prem Timsina, Nevine Nawar, and Wael Eid


Mobile applications for diabetes self-management: status and potential, Omar El-Gayar, Prem Timsina, Nevine Nawar, and Wael Eid