Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Wayne E Pauli

Second Advisor

Tom Farrell

Third Advisor

Jason Shea


The composition of student's today attending a university varies greatly. USDSU has a very unique student-base comprised mainly of non-traditional students. The students are on the campus for limited amounts of time mainly to attend their courses. These same students may be in need of certain services or products and may be unaware of how to obtain the information. The Resource Center at USDSU does currently utilize the traditional corkboard bulletin board but many students are unaware of this bulletin board. By implementing this online/interactive bulletin board for USDSU, this allows for quicker disbursement of information to the students as well as a convenient means for accessing the information.


