Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Tom Halverson

Second Advisor

Judy Dittman

Third Advisor

Stephen Kresbach


The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education(NCATE) is an organization that accredits university teacher education programs. The universities need to be accredited in order to have valid certified teachers that graduate. NCA TE visits universities and does a thorough investigation into student records in order to evaluate the students. The NCATE evaluation process involves much data that has to be aggregated and disaggregated to create statistics over many different disciplines. It was decided by the College of Education that a computerized solution would save time and increase efficiency during the evaluation process of the NCA TE representatives. Meetings were held to determine how this project could support the NCA TE process. To solve the problem of properly creating the many NCATE reports a database driven website was decided to be the best solution. The database schema was created by grouping together the many pieces of information that needed to be stored for each student. The database then created in a MySQL database. After the database was created ASP.NET web pages were then created to facilitate data input. Pages were written to add new students into the system as well as change any of the attributes that were set when creating the student. After the main student attributes were setup and managed, pages were then created to add and edit student test scores. These tests include PPST and dispositional tests. Other phases of the project to be completed post MSIS coursework include adding reporting functionality and minor interface changes.


