Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2007

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Dorine Bennett

Second Advisor

Mark Moran

Third Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach


The primary objective of this project was to create an opportunity for integration and synthesis of the broad concepts taught in the MSIS program. To that end, this project has been highly successful. The project has taken the theoretical domain of the textbook and extended the lesson to a solution for a real-world problem, in this case, inadequate office management software. The secondary objective then, was to create a functional software solution for a thriving chiropractic office. The problem in this case is that the office management software being used by the physician and his staff of one is antiquated, not completely functional, and unable to be updated. Furthermore, the software is not HIP AA compliant and therefore poses a business risk to the sponsor. Using the ubiquitous .NET development environment, VB.NET is the programming language of choice. MS SQL Server Express ed. with Advanced Toolkit will provide the database element for this project. An estimated time of one year from the initial meetings with staff to a final, marketable software solution is the plan. My lack of experience on the programming side will be compensated for by selecting a consultant to assist with that element of design. Multiple software titles will be reviewed to determine effectiveness and will provide insight into useable and non-useable elements.


