Date of Award

Fall 11-1-2006

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Sreekanth Malladi

Second Advisor

Xinwen Fu

Third Advisor

Joshua Pauli


Often, private organizations such as schools, clubs, and non-profits operate on modest budgets in order to keep tuition, dues, or other types of fees associated with their organization affordable for its members. An option to help supplement tuition costs or fees is for the organization to partner with local businesses that will provide a "kick back" to the organization or members for purchasing debit cards from the businesses. The standard/generic term for this type of program is SCRIP. SCRIP is "a Latin term that means anything used instead of money" (United Scrip). This paper will describe a plan to create a web application for Sioux Falls Christian to help manage their SCRIP program. This paper will also compare and contrast the new web-based application created as part of this project with the previous semi-manual process used to manage the SCRIP program.


