Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

William Figg

Second Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Third Advisor

Stephen Krebsbach


Incident Cue System is multi platform based application. It includes three types of applications. First, one is the Web application which is maintained by administrator and second one is a windows based application which reminds the different message by giving alert and final is a web service which acts as a bridge between windows application and centralized server. The web services are hosted by particular areas like e-learning, weather forecast etc. When user minimize, this tool disappears from the screen and the user can see a small icon in the system tray, which can be used to re-activate the tool. Even when the tool is hidden, it works silently in the background. At some regular intervals of time, it communicates with web services to find if there is any new alert created. If it finds a new alert, the tool downloads the alerts and pops up a message displaying the alert. For example, when a new article is submitted in or when an answer is posted for the user's question, Incident Cue System tool will immediately popup alerting the user to visit the page. For applications like e learning, marketing and Query processing, even a web application can be developed for entry and editing and that can be tracked by windows, and other application users through web services. Every bank today sends alerts to their users when an amount is credited, withdrawn or a cheque is presented. Similarly, the alerts are generated for this application. Take an important area and design the application. Extend the application to register for alerts based on user choice. This is one of the modem requirements for every desktop application today.


