Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2002

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)

First Advisor

Ronghua Shan

Second Advisor

Zehai Zhou

Third Advisor

Daniel P. Goodwin


This project discusses the development and use of an online K-12 attendance, grading, and transcript program to be used by East Dakota Educational Cooperative teachers who are located at the main building and at external schools located approximately 100 miles from the main office. The internet-based program has a fully functional database that will store all grade and attendance information about each student attending an East Dakota Educational Cooperative school. The program allows teachers to access only those records for students currently at his or her school anywhere, anytime. Another benefit of the program is the ability of parents to monitor the progress of their child or children without having to wait until report cards are sent home. Concerns in the decision to use a "centralized" system were, costs associated with implementation and maintenance of the server, and the ability of both Macintosh and Windows operating systems being able to access the "centralized" system are also addressed.


