Date of Award
Spring 5-1-2005
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)
First Advisor
Mark Moran
Second Advisor
Zehai Zhou
Getting students through the doors in higher education is a continuing challenge. Declining budgets and increased competition are forcing enrollment offices to turn to technology. Technology allows them to reach out and connect with students across the nation and world. Access to state wide data allows staff to design, build and implement a communications system that will allow the enrollment office to communicate to prospective students. Data is downloaded from a central office that populates a Microsoft Access database. This data is then combined with Macromedia's Coldfusion web server application product, in order to develop a system to effectively manage prospective students. The methods, constraints, implementation and system requirements of the Enrollment Management Software are discussed in this report. Included in this document are the actual working screenshots of a successful implementation. Statistical representations of how the university was able to connect with more students than in previous years, along with additional plans for future versions as the enrollment office more heavily relies on this communication channel.
Recommended Citation
Knutson, Ryan, "University Enrollment Management Software" (2005). Masters Theses & Doctoral Dissertations. 83.